Do you often feel anxious?
Do you often feel stressed?
Does your stress / anxiety sometimes feel disproportionate to a rational list of what you have going on?
And do you then go a little further into the negative cycle of judging yourself because you think you should be able to cope? Or do you think everyone else copes better than you?
Well let me tell you a little secret...
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you know (or live / work with) a perfectionist?
How many of these sound familiar?
Comparison is part of life, it's instinctive (we're human) but it can also be pervasive & impactful in ways it does not need to be - comparisonitis!
I always struggled with comparison. You name it, I've compared myself, and interpreted external comparisons, and found myself lacking.
Words are so important!
But we can often fall into bad habits to stop ourselves feeling like we're being pushy, aggressive, demanding etc…
What we're actually doing in those cases is unconsciously putting ourselves down, and giving others permission to do the same.
Many of us hate the idea of difficult conversations of any kind
Some of us hate them to the point where we just avoid them completely, leaving us missing out - see my other blog: the cost of avoiding difficult conversations
But if we change how we approach them - and let's be honest, sometimes you really just cannot avoid them! - then there are some things that you need to remember are actually in your control!
A huge number of us in this world are "people pleasers"
We love to help other people - but we often do it at the detriment of ourselves.
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
- I need to be nice to people even if I'm in a bad mood
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